Wednesday, January 26, 2005

New Sci Tech Books in the Halle Library

New Science and Technology Books
January 2005

Promethean ambitions : alchemy and the quest to perfect nature / William R. Newman. 3rd Level Q125.2 .N49 2004

Science and society in the twentieth century / Wendy R. Sherman and Trish Yourst Koontz. 3rd Level Q127.U6 S52 2004

Exceptional vector bundles, tilting sheaves, and tilting complexes for weighted projective lines / Hagen Meltzer. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.808

Mutually catalytic super branching random walks : large finite systems and renormalization analysis / J.T. Cox, D.A. Dawson, A. Greven. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.809

Infinite dimensional complex symplectic spaces / W.N. Everitt, L. Markus. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.810

Locally finite root systems / Ottmar Loos, Erhard Neher. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.811

Homotopy equivalences of 3-manifolds and deformation theory of Kleinian groups / Richard D. Canary, Darryl McCullough. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.812

Shock-wave solutions of the Einstein equations with perfect fluid sources : existence and consistency by a locally inertial Glimm scheme / Jeff Groah, Blake Temple. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.813

Kèahler spaces, nilpotent orbits, and singular reduction / Johannes Huebschmann. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.814

VÑ-periodic homotopy groups of SO(n) / Martin Bendersky, Donald M. Davis. 3rd Level QA3 .A57 no.815

Topics in orbit equivalence / Alexander S. Kechris, Benjamin D. Miller. 3rd Level QA3 .L28 no.1852

Computer science : reflections on the field, reflections from the field / Committee on the Fundamentals of Computer Science--Challenges and Opportunities, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council of the National Academies. 3rd Level QA76 .C575x 2004

Object-oriented software in ANSI C++ / Michael A. Smith. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QA76.64 .S645x 1999

Hooked on Java : creating hot Web sites with Java applets / Arthur van Hoff, Sami Shaio, and Orca Starbuck. 3rd Level QA76.64 .V36 1996

Assembly language step-by-step : programming with DOS and Linux / Jeff Duntemann. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QA76.73.A8 D88 2000

Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 / the Mandelbrot Set (International) Limited. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QA76.73.B3 A345 1998

Visual Basic 6 secrets / Harold Davis. 3rd Level QA76.73.B3 D3763 1998 C++ how to program / H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel. 4th ed. 3rd Level QA76.73.C153 D45 2003

Starting out with C++ / Tony Gaddis, Judy Walters, Godfrey Muganda. Alternate 4th ed. 3rd Level QA76.73.C153 G335x 2004

C++ training guide / Steve Heller. 3rd Level QA76.73.C153 H454 1996 C++ / Till Jeske. 3rd Level QA76.73.C153 J47 2002

Borland C++Builder for dummies / by Jason Vokes ; foreword by Michael Sadler. 3rd Level QA76.73.C153 V65 1997

C# precisely / Peter Sestoft, Henrik I. Hansen. 3rd Level QA76.73.C154 S47 2004

Programming JavaScript for Netscape 2.0 / Tim Ritchey. 3rd Level QA76.73 .J38 R58 1996

Java Server Pages from scratch / Maneesh Sahu. 3rd Level QA76.73.J38 S25x 2001

Robust Java : exception handling, testing, and debugging / Stephen Stelting. 3rd Level QA76.73.J38 S844x 2005

JavaScript development / John R. Vacca. 3rd Level QA76.73 .J38 V33 1997

Software factories : assembling applications with patterns, models, frameworks, and tools / Jack Greenfield, Keith Short. 3rd Level QA76.76.A65 G743 2004

Beginning XML / David Hunter ... [et al.] 3rd ed. 3rd Level QA76.76.H94 H868x 2004

Red Hat Fedora 2 unleashed / Bill Ball, Hoyt Duff. 3rd Level QA76.76.O63 B3455x 2005

Independent component analysis : a tutorial introduction / James V. Stone. 3rd Level QA76.87 .S78 2004

Automating Microsoft Access with VBA / Susan Sales Harkins, Mike Gunderloy. 3rd Level QA76.9.D3 H3645x 2005

SQL Server 2000 administration / by Mark A. Linsenbardt and M. Shane Stigler. 3rd Level QA76.9.D3 L57x 2001

Microsoft Access 2003 : forms, reports, and queries / Paul McFedries. 3rd Level QA76.9.D3 M39535x 2005

Participatory IT design : designing for business and workplace realities / Keld B²dker, Finn Kensing, Jesper Simonsen. 3rd Level QA76.9.S88 B65 2004

Math essentials, middle school level : lessons and activities for test preparation / Frances McBroom Thompson. 1st ed. 3rd Level QA139 .T465x 2005

Mystery of numbers / Marc-Alain Ouaknin ; [translated by Adele Kudish]. 3rd Level QA241 .O8613 2004

Cognition and chance : the psychology of probabilistic reasoning / Raymond S. Nickerson. 3rd Level QA273 .N535x 2004

Visual display of quantitative information / Edward R. Tufte. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QA276.3 .T83 2001

Handbook of differential equations / edited by A. Caänada, P. Drâabek, A. Fonda. 1st ed. 3rd Level QA371 .H363x 2004

Nonoscillation and oscillation theory for functional differential equations / edited by Ravi P. Agarwal, Martin Bohner, Wan-Tong Li. 3rd Level QA371 .N56x 2004

Measure of the world / by Ken Alder. 3rd Level QA465 .A264 2004

Introduction to topology and geometry / Saul Stahl. 3rd Level QA611.A349 S73 2005

Introduction to the mathematical theory of compressible flow / A. Novotnây, I. Straéskraba. 3rd Level QA911 .N69 2004

Smithsonian intimate guide to the cosmos : visualizing the new realities of space / Dana Berry ; introduction by Eric J. Chaisson. 3rd Level QB44.3 .B47 2005

Planetary diagrams for Roman astronomy in medieval Europe, ca. 800-1500 / Bruce S. Eastwood, Gerd Grasshoff. 3rd Level QB361.9 .E45 2004

Icy worlds of the solar system / edited by Pat Dasch. 3rd Level QB505 .I39 2004

Edward Teller, the real Dr. Strangelove / Peter Goodchild. 3rd Level QC16.T37 G66 2004

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of applied physics / Arthur Beiser. 4th ed. 3rd Level QC21.2 .B45 2004

Beautiful models : 70 years of exactly solved quantum many-body problems / Bill Sutherland. 3rd Level QC174.17.P7 S88 2004

Global warming : the complete briefing / John T. Houghton. 3rd ed. 3rd Level QC981.8.G56 H68 2004

Teaching inquiry-based chemistry : creating student-led scientific communities / Joan A. Gallagher-Bolos, Dennis W. Smithenry. 3rd Level QD40 .G32 2004

Thermal analysis of polymers / M.P. Sepe. 3rd Level QD139.P6 S47x 1997

Principles of stratigraphy / Michael E. Brookfield. 3rd Level QE651 .B787 2004

Heretic in Darwin's court : the life of Alfred Russel Wallace / Ross A. Slotten. 3rd Level QH31.W2 S535 2004

Living ocean : understanding and protecting marine biodiversity / Boyce Thorne-Miller ; foreword by Sylvia Earle. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QH91 .T45 1999

Nutrient cycling and limitation : Hawai'i as a model system / Peter Vitousek. 3rd Level QH198.H3 V58 2004

Bioinformatics in the post-genomic era : genome, transcriptome, proteome, and information-based medicine / Jeff Augen. 3rd Level QH324.2 .A84x 2005

Introduction to mathematical methods in bioinformatics / Alexander Isaev. 3rd Level QH324.2 .I83 2004

Theoretical morphology : the concept and its applications / George R. McGhee, Jr. 3rd Level QH351 .M335 1999

Alien species and evolution : the evolutionary ecology of exotic plants, animals, microbes, and interacting native species / George W. Cox. 3rd Level QH353 .C69 2004

Exploring the borderlands : documents of the Committee on Common Problems of Genetics, Paleontology, and Systematics / Joe Cain, editor. 3rd Level QH361 .E96 2004

Man who invented the chromosome : the life of Cyril Darlington / Oren Solomon Harman. 3rd Level QH429.2.D37 H37 2004

Recoding nature : critical perspectives on genetic engineering / edited by Richard Hindmarsh and Geoffrey Lawrence. 3rd Level QH442 .R36 2004

Cytometry / edited by Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, Mario Roederer, Hans Tanke. 4th ed. 3rd Level QH585 .M48x v.75

Zebrafish : cellular and developmental biology / edited by H. William Detrich, Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QH585 .M48x v.76

Zebrafish : genetics, genomics, and informatics / edited by, H. William Detrich, III, Monte Westerfield, Leonard I. Zon. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QH585 .M48x v.77

Stress & health : biological and psychological interactions / William R. Lovallo. 2nd ed. 3rd Level QP82.2.S8 L68 2005

Fundamentals of human neuropsychology / Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw. 5th ed. 3rd Level QP360 .K64 2003

Consciousness : creeping up on the hard problem / Jeffrey Gray. 3rd Level QP411 .G68 2004

Chicago guide to writing about numbers / Jane E. Miller. 3rd Level T11 .M485 2004

Appropriating technology : vernacular science and social power / Ron Eglash ... [et al.], editors. 3rd Level T14.5 .A68 2004

Technology as experience / John McCarthy and Peter Wright. 3rd Level T14.5 .M4 2004

Seventy great inventions of the ancient world / edited by Brian M. Fagan. 3rd Level T15 .S48x 2004

They made America / Harold Evans, with Gail Buckland and David Lefer. 1st ed. 3rd Level T39 .E83 2004

MIS cases : decision making with application software / M. Lisa Miller. 2nd ed. 3rd Level T58.6 .M555x 2005

Enterprise integration solutions / Devin Spackman, Mark Speaker. 3rd Level T58.6 .S65945 2005

What is what in the nanoworld : a handbook on nanoscience and nanotechnology / Victor E. Borisenko and Stefano Ossicini. 3rd Level T174.7 .B67x 2004

CorelDRAW 10 : the official guide / Steve Bain with Anthony Celeste, Michael Cervantes, Nick Wilkinson. 3rd Level T385 .B34578 2001

Using AutoCAD 2005 : advanced / Ralph Grabowski. 3rd Level T385 .G6445x 2005

Illustrator CS accelerated. 3rd Level T385 .I438x 2004

Adobe creative suite bible / Ted Padova, Kelly Murdock, Wendy Halderman. 3rd Level T385 .P334x 2004

Pro/ENGINEER tutorial release 2001 : a click-by-click primer and multimedia CD / text by Roger Toogood ; multimedia cd-rom by Jack Zecher. Updated and revised ed. 3rd Level TA174 .T66x 2001

Statics and mechanics of materials : an integrated approach / William F. Riley, Leroy D. Sturges, Don H. Morris. 3rd Level TA405 .R56 1995

Surface wear : analysis, treatment, and prevention / R. Chattopadhyay. 3rd Level TA418.7 .C45 2001

Advanced image processing techniques for remotely sensed hyperspectral data / P.K. Varshney, M.K. Arora. 3rd Level TA1637 .A383x 2004

Greenpeace : how a group of journalists, ecologists and visionaries changed the world / Rex Weyler. 3rd Level TD169 .W49x 2004

Environmental chemistry / Stanley E. Manahan. 8th ed. 3rd Level TD193 .M36 2005

Transport and the environment / editors, R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison. 3rd Level TD195.T7 T735x 2004

From source water to drinking water : workshop summary / Lawrence Reiter...[et al.] ; Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine, Board on Health Sciences Policy ; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. 3rd Level TD370 .F76x 2004

Steel pipe : a guide for design and installation. 4th ed. 3rd Level TD491.A49 S74 2004

Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture : confronting the livelihood and environmental realities / edited by C.A. Scott, N.I. Faruqui, and L. Raschid-Sally. 3rd Level TD760 .W356 2004

Nothing like it in the world : the men who built the transcontinental railroad, 1863-1869 / Stephen E. Ambrose. 3rd Level TF23 .A48 2000

Smart home design : ideas, tips & guide for home remodeling / by Laura Cerwinske ; photos courtesy of Airoom, Inc. and Airoom Architects Inc. 3rd Level TH4816 .C47x 2004

Lighting design & installation : techniques & projects for lighting your home and landscape. 3rd Level TH7703 .L54 2003

Cable : the wire that changed the world / Gillian Cookson. 3rd Level TK5611 .C66 2003

Sound recording : the life story of a technology / David L. Morton, Jr. 3rd Level TK7881.4 .M674 2004

Aerospace engineering education during the first century of flight / edited by Barnes McCormick, Conrad Newberry, Eric Jumper. 3rd Level TL560 .A476x 2004

Flight dynamics / Robert F. Stengel. 3rd Level TL570 .S74x 2004 Design and development of aircraft systems : an introduction / Allan G. Seabridge, Ian Moir. 3rd Level TL671.28 .S43x 2004

Electronics in the evolution of flight / Albert Helfrick. 1st ed. 3rd Level TL695 .H42 2004

Private pilot test guide, 1996-1998 : FAA practical & computer-based airmen knowledge / Douglas S. Carmody. 3rd Level TL710 .C28 1996

Textile printing '96 / Clemson University College of Engineering & Science. 3rd Level TP930 .T495x 1996

Thermoplastic waste reclamation / [Clemson University] 3rd Level TP1180.T5 T46x 1998

Thermoplastic waste reclamation / [Clemson University] 3rd Level TP1180.T5 T46x 1999

Visual effects for film and television / A.J. Mitchell. 3rd Level TR858 .M58x 2004

Design secrets. Products 2 : 50 real-life projects uncovered : projects chosen by the Industrial Design Society of America / Cheryl Dangel Cullen and Lynn Haller. 3rd Level TS171.6 .C85 2004

Slashing technology / Clemson University. 3rd Level TS1488 .S53x 2000

Coated fabrics / Clemson University. 3rd Level TS1512 .C633x 1999

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Excellent Free Web Sites for the Sciences

Earthtrends-the Environmental Information Portal
A comprehensive online database focusing on environmental, social, and economic trends. Data is from reliable sources and is in a variety of formats.

Eric Weisstein’s World of Science: A Wolfram Web Resource
This site features biographies and explanations of topics in mathematics, physics, astronomy, and chemistry.

Math Forum
From Drexel University, this site is a comprehensive resource for Math education assistance containing hands-on web learning tools, lesson plans, and activities for pre-kindergarten through college courses.

Official website of the National Geographic Society and designed for educators and students. Featuring easy navigational tools, this is a multimedia database that promotes and provides access to geographic knowledge and brings about awareness of the need to protect the planet’s natural resources.

NIST Chemistry WebBook
The NIST Chemistry WebBook contains thermochemical data for over 7000 organic and small inorganic compounds, reaction thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions, IR spectra for over 16,000 compounds, mass spectra for over 15,000 compounds, UV/Vis spectra for over 1600 compounds, electronic and vibrational spectra for over 4500 compounds, constants of diatomic molecules (spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds, ion energetics data for over 16,000 compounds and thermophysical property data for 34 fluids.

NSSN National Resource for Global Standards
The NSSN National Resource for Global Standards contains over 250,000 references to standards from more than 600 national, foreign, regional and international bodies worldwide. This, the free version, searches approved industry standards, approved international standards (ISO, IEC, ITU), approved U.S. government standards, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) catalog.

Plants Database
This database provides a wealth of information about plants growing in the United States. All types of plants are covered, from noxious weeds to ornamental flowers and food crops. It is aimed at state agricultural agencies, plant researchers, students, and the general public.

ScienceDaily Magazine
Contains headlines and links to the day’s top science news stories, as well as links to major subject areas in science, health, and computing.

Where to find MSDS [Materials Safety Data Sheets] on the Internet
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are an essential resource for those working with hazardous chemicals and include physical and chemical characteristics, hazards, safe handling, emergency and first aid procedures and more. “Where to Find MSDS on the Internet?provides descriptions of and links to over 100 free MSDS collections available on the Internet.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


This blog is dedicated to sharing information and answering questions regarding information resources in science and technology.

We can share good web sites we find, suggest books for the library to purchase or discuss new books or other materials that come out.

I will post a list of the new books that come into the Halle Library on this site periodically. I will also highlight some new items that we have purchased that relate to the sciences or technology.
